This is great stuff (hat tip: Craig Calcaterra). For years, I haven’t been able to understand why MLB and the individual teams aren’t investing in Brazil.
All South American and Caribbean countries play soccer; Brazil is consistently the best of these countries. Obviously, there are great athletes there, some of the best in the world. And yet, very few of them are playing baseball. According to the article linked above, “there are a dozen Brazilians in the Minor League systems of Major League Baseball. No Brazilian has ever made it to the Major Leagues.”
MLB teams have already made personnel-based investments in China and India; I’m not sure why these countries came first, except that they are a bit more chic in the business world. From a talent point of view, it’s tough to argue that Brazil isn’t the world’s greatest untapped source.
More from the article:
“It’s [a project] that is obviously a long-term initiative,” said Andrew Friedman, the Rays’ executive vice president of baseball operations. “We don’t think it’s something that’s going to pay dividends in a year from now, necessarily.”
Friedman said Rays special assistant to baseball operations Andres Reiner has worked hard on this project for the past year and that based on the number of athletes in the area — most of whom have not focused on baseball in the past — the project could turn out to be special if the Rays can improve the popularity of baseball.
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